- To continue to be a recognised advocate for Marlborough berth and mooring holders and those using associated marina-based facilities
- To provide representation on behalf of its members to Port Marlborough Ltd, Marlborough District Council, other relevant organisations, the media and the general public, on berth and mooring issues and any issues that may affect berth and mooring holders and users of marina based facilities.
- To advocate for fair and reasonable charging and tenancy agreements, for tenants in all Port Marlborough marinas.
- To advocate for fair and reasonable management of berths and facilities in Port Marlborough marinas.
- To advocate for maintenance of all Port Marlborough marina facilities that appropriately reflects the charging regime for berth holders and tenants.
- To advocate for fair and reasonable coastal permit or mooring licence conditions and processes for moorings in the Marlborough Sounds.
- To gather information including liaising with relevant people and organisations and to analyse that information to achieve the above objectives in a fair, reasoned and professional manner.
- To encourage Marlborough District Council, other statutory authorities and the Marlborough public in general, to recognise the importance of boating and boating related facilities as a fundamental and important part of the Marlborough landscape, both financial and social.
- To maintain a strong level of membership in the Association to achieve the above objectives and ensure that the mandate required in the work of the Association is evident.