Mooring Management Plan
Frustrations were aired over issues facing mooring owners in Waikawa Bay at Sundays’ AGM for the Mooring and Berth Holders Association and members present were given an update on developments.
A trial of possible space-saving mooring systems is currently on-going with valuable data to be gathered from the imminent servicing of the trial moorings in the north west bay. In the two years since installation a number of problems have emerged with the moorings and adjustments made which may require a costly servicing procedure to be implemented. An international search by the Harbour Master to find alternative and more suitable systems is on-going.
Approval of the bulk mooring applications recently lodged with Council by the Association would have provided more time to find the best possible solution.
Despite this three significant submitters, Te Atiawa, the Arapawa Rowing Club and Waikawa Marae Trustees, have objected to the applications and asked that the bay wide plan Mooring Management Plan be implemented. This plan requires most moorings to be fitted with space saving systems at a cost upwards of $1 million and includes logistical problems with shuffling all moorings to fit a new layout.
Since the AGM Te Atiawa has responded to MBMA’s request to meet again with them. MBMA has also asked MDC to pull all parties together for a pre-hearing discussion but to date has received no response. The sterling efforts of your representatives on the Association continue …..
A number of Marina Issues have been taken up with the new manager.
MBMA have asked for the split of fees paid by PMNZ to berth holders for casual renting of berths to be reviewed. Currently the split unfairly discriminates against the holders and as a result few berths are made available when not in use for a period of time.
The suggestion from MBMA is that when berth holders are not using their berths PMNZ rent them out at a higher rate than currently charged and recompense the berth holder at the full or near to full rate. Marina Management are also looking at freeing up berths for casual rents in the marina extension.
Car parking
The Manager was asked to look into developing car-parking space behind the new Trust ablutions block in the marina extension in an area previously planned for the dry stack storage building and parking. This would help to relieve pressure on parking at busy times.
Dinghy storage with racks and designated car parks are to be provided on the northern edge of the new marina extension. MBMA have asked that the existing temporary dinghy launching ramp be left in place on the northern Trust breakwater and that PMNZ look into providing the same on the eastern side. This would facilitate dinghy launching for mooring users.
Swing Mooring users car parking in marina. Port Marlborough have stopped allowing mooring users to purchase a 12-month car park sticker. As a compromise MBMA have asked management to consider offering a 10-month parking sticker which would not include the busy months of December and January.
A request will be made for a specifically designated number of liveaboards (suggested two) be permitted on each jetty as need arises. Past experience has shown that those living on their boats in the marina play a vital part in ensuring the security of vessels and infrastructure.
The Association understands that the security camera system has a function that would enable boat owners to access footage to check the security of their own vessels rather than relying on staff to carry this out. We will be investigating this with management.
When new security gates are installed on existing marina jetties these will now be fitted with exit buttons (as in the Trust area) so that a card or code will not be required to leave the jetty.
And finally Membership
It is not expensive to join MBMA – currently there is a $75 fee for five years of membership ($25 for one year). Current membership has fallen to 100 but the Association continues to do valuable work on behalf of all berth holders and mooring owners. Having a strong and well supported voice is key to ensuring we can make progress on issues of importance to all of you. Please spread the word far and wide and encourage your friends and boating neighbours to join us today! or