The Marlborough Berth & Moorings Association AGM is coming up:
Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 20 July, 2019
12:30pm @ Waikawa Boating Club
Nominations for Committee:
Members can nominate a candidate via a Nomination Form. This must be fully completed, signed and received 7 (seven) days prior to the meeting, (by Friday, 12 July, 2019). Nominees must be a current financial member of MBMA.
Notice of Motion:
Please submit written notice of any motion to the Secretary at least 7 (seven) days prior to the meeting, (by Friday,12 July, 2019)
Forms are available by emailing or calling 027 2422700
*** MBMA is always looking for new Committee members, so if you are interested in becoming involved, please email back and one of the existing Committee members will contact you.
The MBMA AGM will be followed by
Waikawa Boating Clubs’ AGM @ 2pm
Marlborough Berth & Moorings Association (Inc)
Saturday, 20 July, 2019
- Apologies
- Minutes of last AGM
- Chairman’s Annual Report
- Statement of Accounts (will be tabled at the AGM)
- Election of Officers
- Motions of which notice has been given, (if any)
- General Business
Contact Details:
Phone: 027 2422 700